Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ | Cancer, Self- Care, Patient Support, Encouragement, Hope, Diagnosis - Treatment, Chemotherapy, Faith Over Fear

*Top 5% Globally Ranked Podcast* Season 2 - Encouragement, Support, and Hope for Cancer Patients Season 1 - How to Live from the Inside Out Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with cancer? Are you feeling worried, scared, and uncertain about the future? Do you need encouragement, support and hope as you navigate this unexpected journey? If so, I wholeheartedly understand, and I am grateful you are here. In this podcast you will learn scripture and principles to put into practice to help you keep your eyes, ears and mind focused on Jesus so that you will experience more peace within through your cancer journey. My name is Shawn Elizabeth George. I am a wife, mother of three, dog mom to Georgia, and a follower of Jesus. In 2017, I was diagnosed with a rare salivary gland cancer, adenoid cystic carcinoma, when a tumor was found in my nasal cavity, growing into the roof of my mouth. From diagnosis and surgery through treatments with proton beam radiation and low-dose chemotherapy, I journaled about what I learned about God through my experience. Why? Because I believed that God uses all things for good, and if I made it through, I wanted to support others facing cancer, along with their families and friends, by sharing what I learned to encourage them. Throughout my cancer journey, using God’s Word as my cornerstone was transformational. I am grateful to be here to share what I have learned so that you can apply His Word through your journey as well and in turn be encouraged, feel supported and have hope. Whether you follow Jesus or not, please know you are welcome here and are invited you to join me to… Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ Let’s invite God into your cancer journey and embrace His Word as our guide to care for your mind, body, and soul. Sit back, relax, and listen. Let’s take a step of faith together on this transformational, healing journey. With love, care and hope, Shawn

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Monday Apr 15, 2024

Do you ever find yourself ruminating on thoughts that aren't true or serving you? If you do, you are not alone.
On this week's episode of Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ I will share three steps to help us renew our minds and a scripture we turn to and mediate on to help us.
Three Steps
1. Acknowledge the thought
2. Turn to something new and true
3. Choose productive thoughts to meditate on instead.
Scripture of the Day
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8
Next Steps for you:
1. PRINT OUT ⁠THIS WEEK'S HOMEWORK⁠ so that you take what you learned today and put it into practice this week
2. SIGN UP for encouraging Monday morning emails from Shawn at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
3. COZY UP with your own Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ mug ⁠⁠⁠
Are you someone who takes care of others well yet you leave little to no margin to take care of yourself? Do you need time in your day to care for your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellness? Would you like to have more tools to help you establish healthy boundaries and habits that will help you be more mindful and consistent in caring for yourself?
I am so grateful you are here!
This podcast is a prayerful space where you can give yourself permission to press pause in your busy day, give yourself margin to breathe - into the present moment - and to pray, inviting God in to help you take care of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Hi, I’m Shawn Elizabeth George. I am a wife, mom of three, and a dog Mom to Georgia who loves Jesus. As a former Health, Physical Education, and yoga teacher I have always loved health and wellness! Yet much of my life I thought being healthy meant that if I looked good on the outside then I would feel well within. The interesting thing with that is when I looked my best on the outside, is when I was really struggling with anxiety and depression. And when I have felt the most peace within, was when I had cancer. Having these experiences made me rethink what health and wellness really are. When I stopped chasing the wind and following the current health and wellness trends and instead held on to scripture and what God’s Word says about the greater purpose of our minds, hearts, bodies and Spirit, it renewed my perspective on health and wellness.
I am here to share with you foundational truths from God’s Word that are tools you can use to help you be well and live healthier and more fully. I am excited to share this with you!
If you are ready to renew your mind, grow peace in your heart, wellness in your soul, and appreciate your body then grab that cup of coffee, tea or water, press play and let's take a step of faith on this transformational journey together.
Now is the perfect time in your day to pause, breathe, pray.™
With love and hope,

Monday Apr 08, 2024

Do you have regrets of something you said or did - something you didn't say or didn't do? Me too.
On this week's episode of Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ I will share something I heard recently that was a reminder of how we are to release our regrets so that we will be lighter within.
We need to take responsibility.
We need to ask for forgiveness.
We need to remember once we have done those two things, God has "deleted those files," and we need to too.
Scripture of the Day
"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" - John 1:29
Are you someone who takes care of others well yet you leave little to no margin to take care of yourself? Do you need time in your day to care for your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellness? Would you like to have more tools to help you establish healthy boundaries and habits that will help you be more mindful and consistent in caring for yourself?
I am so grateful you are here!
This podcast is a prayerful space where you can give yourself permission to press pause in your busy day, give yourself margin to breathe - into the present moment - and to pray, inviting God in to help you take care of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Hi, I’m Shawn Elizabeth George. I am a wife, mom of three, and a dog Mom to Georgia who loves Jesus. As a former Health, Physical Education, and yoga teacher I have always loved health and wellness! Yet much of my life I thought being healthy meant that if I looked good on the outside then I would feel well within. The interesting thing with that is when I looked my best on the outside, is when I was really struggling with anxiety and depression. And when I have felt the most peace within, was when I had cancer. Having these experiences made me rethink what health and wellness really are. When I stopped chasing the wind and following the current health and wellness trends and instead held on to scripture and what God’s Word says about the greater purpose of our minds, hearts, bodies and Spirit, it renewed my perspective on health and wellness.
I am here to share with you foundational truths from God’s Word that are tools you can use to help you be well and live healthier and more fully. I am excited to share this with you!
If you are ready to renew your mind, grow peace in your heart, wellness in your soul, and appreciate your body then grab that cup of coffee, tea or water, press play and let's take a step of faith on this transformational journey together.
Now is the perfect time in your day to pause, breathe, pray.™
With love and hope,
Next Steps for you:
1. SIGN UP for encouraging Monday morning emails from Shawn at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
2. CONNECT at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for more encouragement throughout your week
3. CONNECT at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for more encouragement throughout your week
4. COZY UP with your own Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ mug ⁠⁠⁠

Monday Apr 01, 2024

On this week's episode of Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ I will be sharing about why I am back in therapy to be real with you on my journey, in hopes that you will be real with yourself, and others where you are on yours.
Are you someone who takes care of others well yet you leave little to no margin to take care of yourself? Do you need time in your day to care for your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellness? Would you like to have more tools to help you establish healthy boundaries and habits that will help you be more mindful and consistent in caring for yourself?
I am so grateful you are here!
This podcast is a prayerful space where you can give yourself permission to press pause in your busy day, give yourself margin to breathe - into the present moment - and to pray, inviting God in to help you take care of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Hi, I’m Shawn Elizabeth George. I am a wife, mom of three, and a dog Mom to Georgia who loves Jesus. As a former Health, Physical Education, and yoga teacher I have always loved health and wellness! Yet much of my life I thought being healthy meant that if I looked good on the outside then I would feel well within. The interesting thing with that is when I looked my best on the outside, is when I was really struggling with anxiety and depression. And when I have felt the most peace within, was when I had cancer. Having these experiences made me rethink what health and wellness really are. When I stopped chasing the wind and following the current health and wellness trends and instead held on to scripture and what God’s Word says about the greater purpose of our minds, hearts, bodies and Spirit, it renewed my perspective on health and wellness.
I am here to share with you foundational truths from God’s Word that are tools you can use to help you be well and live healthier and more fully. I am excited to share this with you!
If you are ready to renew your mind, grow peace in your heart, wellness in your soul, and appreciate your body then grab that cup of coffee, tea or water, press play and let's take a step of faith on this transformational journey together.
Now is the perfect time in your day to pause, breathe, pray.™

Monday Mar 25, 2024

Have you ever thought about if you are more like a lion, or more like a lamb? I hadn't myself until recently and I came to realize I am both, depending on the circumstances. How about you? Why I am asking this is because on this week's episode of Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ I will be sharing the significance of the lion and the lamb in relationship to Jesus, especially as we enter the holiest week of the year in our faith. Also, our meditations this week are on Joshua 1:9 (for those who need more courage like a lion) and Ephesians 4:2 (for those who need to be more gentle like a lamb.).
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.- Ephesians 4:2
If you are ready to renew your mind, grow peace in your heart and wellness in your soul, then grab that cup of coffee or tea, press play and let's take a step of faith on this transformational journey together. Now is the perfect time in your day to pause, breathe, pray.™
Hi, I am Shawn Elizabeth George, and as a wife and mom of three, life - and my thoughts - can be busy and chostic. Yet these three words, in practice have helped me time and time again renew my mind, grow peace in my heart and wellness in my soul, and I wholeheartedly believe this practice will do the same for you. 
This podcast is a sacred space for you to press pause on the busyness and choas in your life, breathe into the present moment, and connect with God through prayer.
I'm grateful you are here and taking this time to pour into yourself, so that you are fueled with love to pour out to others.
With love and hope,
Next Steps for you:
1. SIGN UP for encouraging Monday morning emails from Shawn at ⁠⁠⁠⁠
2. CONNECT at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ for more encouragement throughout your week
3. CONNECT at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for more encouragement throughout your week
4. COZY UP with your own Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ mug ⁠

Monday Mar 18, 2024

Do you need to shift your thoughts? On this week's episode of Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ we will be discussing how to gain a renewed perspective, and meditating on Colossians 3:2.
If you are ready to renew your mind, grow peace in your heart and wellness in your soul, then grab that cup of coffee or tea, press play and let's take a step of faith on this transformational journey together. Now is the perfect time in your day to pause, breathe, pray.™
Hi, I am Shawn Elizabeth George, and as a wife and mom of three, life - and my thoughts - can be chaotic. Yet these three words, in practice have helped me time and time again renew my mind, grow peace in my heart and wellness in my soul, and I wholeheartedly believe this practice will do the same for you. 
This podcast is a sacred space to press pause on the life’s chaos, breathe into the present moment, and connect to God through prayer. I'm grateful to walk beside you on this transformational journey.
With love and hope,
Next Steps for you:
1. SIGN UP for encouraging Monday morning emails from Shawn at ⁠⁠
2. CONNECT at ⁠⁠ for more encouragement throughout your week
3. CONNECT at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ for more encouragement throughout your week
4. COZY UP with your own Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ mug

Monday Mar 11, 2024

On this week's episode of Pause. Breathe. Pray.™ we will be discussing the thin space in life and Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." If you're ready to renew your mind, grow peace in your heart and wellness in your soul, grab that cup of coffee or tea, press play and let's take a step of faith on this transformational journey together. Now is the perfect time in your day to pause, breathe, pray.™
Hi, I am Shawn Elizabeth George, and as a wife and mom of three, life - and my thoughts - can be chaotic. Yet these three words, in practice have helped me time and time again renew my mind, grow peace in my heart and wellness in my soul, and I wholeheartedly believe this practice will do the same for you. 
This podcast is a sacred space to press pause on the life’s chaos, breathe into the present moment, and connect to God through prayer. I'm grateful to walk beside you on this transformational journey.
With love and hope,
Next Steps:
SIGN UP for encouraging Monday morning emails from Shawn at
CONNECT at for more encouragement throughout your week
CONNECT at ⁠⁠ for more encouragement throughout your week

Monday Feb 12, 2024

Have you ever lived out love with the expectation of getting something in return? I have. On this week's episode of Live from the Inside Out™, I will be sharing a story of when my selfless act of love grew selfish, and what I learned from it that will benefit you too. Now it's time to go inside...
Word of the week to practice:
Verse of the week to meditate on:
"Let all that you do be done in love." - 1 Corinthians 16:14
Elevate your faith and well-being with Shawn Elizabeth George on her transformative podcast, 'Live from the Inside Out.™' No matter where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here. Join Shawn as we apply God's Word in our daily lives to help renew our minds, grow peace in our hearts, and wellness in our souls. Shawn invites you to... pause. breathe. pray.™ And take this transformational journey with her.

Monday Feb 05, 2024

Do you strive to be better, do better, get better? I do yet this dialogue hasn't always served me well, and maybe you are finding it doesn't serve you well either. On this episode of Live from the Inside Out™, I will be sharing a transformative message than will shine a light on the idea that maybe we aren't made to become better versions of ourselves, but be transformed into who we were made to be. Now it's time to go inside....
*Quote in this episode is by Rick Warren.
Elevate your faith and well-being with Shawn Elizabeth George on her transformative podcast, 'Live from the Inside Out.™' No matter where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here. Join Shawn as we apply God's Word in our daily lives to help renew our minds, grow peace in our hearts, and wellness in our souls. Shawn invites you to... pause. breathe. pray.™ And take this transformational journey with her.

Monday Jan 15, 2024

I don’t know about you but sometimes I can overcomplicate or confuse what my actual purpose is in life. Can you relate? On this episode of Live from the Inside Out™, I will share about a person whose life will inspire us to live more purposefully along with two practices that are the foundation to a purposeful life. Now it's time to go inside....
Elevate your faith and well-being with Shawn Elizabeth George on her transformative podcast, 'Live from the Inside Out.™' No matter where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here. Join Shawn as we apply God's Word in our daily lives to help renew our minds, grow peace in our hearts, and wellness in our souls. Shawn invites you to... pause. breathe. pray.™ And take this transformational journey with her.

Monday Jan 08, 2024

Happy New Year! There is something beneath the surface of our goals that we need to look at to help us achieve them. On this episode, Shawn will discuss what we need to build and refine, beneath the surface of our goals, to help us achieve them. Now it's time to go inside....
HERE is your FREE printable to get you started!
Elevate your faith and well-being with Shawn Elizabeth George on her transformative podcast, 'Live from the Inside Out.™' No matter where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here. Join Shawn as we apply God's Word in our daily lives to help renew our minds, grow peace in our hearts, and wellness in our souls. Shawn invites you to... pause. breathe. pray.™ And take this transformational journey with her.


Pause. Breathe. Pray.™

Are you someone who cares well for others but you leave little to no margin to take care of yourself? Are you seeking to make space to care for your whole well-being?

If so, you are not alone and you are in the right place! Welcome to PBP!

I’m Shawn Elizabeth George, a wife, mom of three, dog Mom to Georgia and a follower of Jesus. Even as a wellness professional, I haven’t always made time to care for my well-being yet life experiences - including a walk with cancer - have made me pause, and take a hard look at who and what matters most, and taking care of ourselves matters. I now approach caring for my whole well-being through a biblical lens, with God’s Word as my cornerstone, and it has been transformational. I am excited to share with you what I have learned so that you can put it into practice in your life as well! 

Give yourself permission to press pause in your busy day, to breathe - into the present moment - and to pray. Let’s invite God into the conversation and turn to His Word as our guide to care for your whole well-being.

With care and hope, 


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